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Senior Life Policy Cash Outs

Senior Life Settlements or simply Life Settlements, involve the sale of an existing life insurance policy to an investment company resulting in the funds generated being greater than the policy's cash surrender value.  Senior Life Settlements are often attractive when your original financial planning needs have changed, such as your children all being grown or your spouse pre-deceasing you, and the continued payments of the insurance premiums have become burdensome.

If you are the owner of a significant insurance policy and rather than a death benefit, would prefer a lump sum of cash to be used TODAY, can help.  Your lump sum cash Life Settlement can be used for...

Purchasing Parameters

Is a Senior Life Settlement Right For You?

One of the best ways to determine if the Cash Out of your Senior Life Policy is the right decision for you is to request a no-obligation purchase proposal from a member of our underwriting staff.  To receive yours within 48 hours, simple click the link below and complete our short Life Settlement application form.  You'll be glad you did!